To install a Star TSP100 TSP143U printer on a Windows machine, follow these instructions
- Download the most up to date driver here
- Select the SP100 futurePRNT Software
- Follow the instructions for installing the software.
- The printer information should pre-populate. Click the recommended software to download.
- Click futurePRNT V7.2 Full, not Lite.
- After it downloads, you will need to install the program. First extract the file. Once extracted, click Autorun then run.
- Click Installation, then I Accept. Your computer may prompt you to download daylight. If so, click yes.
- For Windows machines, make sure you know if you have a 32 bit or 64 bit machine)
- After installing, make sure the settings are correct
- Go to 'Devices and Printers'
- Right Click the Star printer and choose printer properties
- Click the Advanced tab, click printing defaults on the bottom left
- Click 'Advanced'
- For the paper size, choose "72mm x 200mm"
- For the paper type, select "receipt"
- Click OK to save changes
- To edit the cut settings:
- Click the Device Settings tab
- Click Page Cut Type and choose Partial Cut in the drop down menu
- This will allow the printer to cut between each ticket if multiple tickets are sold in one order.