Sorting Data for Multiple Events

If you're an Organizer with multiple occurrences of the same event, here's a handy tip to help you mange and sort your data.

Lets assume you are organizing a Cookie Decorating Holiday party at your bakery.

There are 5 sessions on Sunday December 7th

  • 10am-10:45am
  • 11am-11:45am
  • 12pm-12:45pm
  • 1pm-1:45pm
  • 2pm-2:45pm

Here's a simple way to see all of your attendees in one report, sorted by the time they are attending:

  1. Login to
  2. Click on 'Manage Events' and then 'Reports'
  3. Select 'My Organization Sales'
  4. Check the 'Generate .CSV' box
  5. Click the green 'Submit' button

export data Freshtix

Now, open the report you just downloaded in Microsoft Excel or Google Docs.

  1. Highlight all your data
  2. Click on the "Sort" icon in Excel
  3. Select 'Custom Sort' and sort the data by 'Showing Date'
  4. This will then sort your data by event date making it easy to know how many people to expect for each event.

sorting data Freshtix

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