Deactivate My Event

If you haven't sold any tickets and want to cancel your event, you should deactivate it.

Follow these steps.

  1. Login to
  2. Click on 'Manage Events'
  3. Click on the name of your event to open the Dashboard
  4. Click 'Edit Your Event'
  5. Click the 'Settings' tab on the far left side of the screen
  6. Choose "Deactivated: do not list this event publicly, and make the link inaccessible"
  7. Click 'Save' to keep changes

If you end your event early and you need to refund ticket buyers, please follow these steps and contact us at 678-701-6114 or text us at 678-737-4093

'Deactivating' an event just takes it off the website. It does NOT automatically refund people.



Freshtix Suppot

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