Send A Message To Your Attendees (Send Emails)

We make it easy for you to communicate with your ticket buyers. You can update attendees and send a message to everyone who has purchased a ticket to your event through the Freshtix platform.



  1. Login to
  2. Click "Manage Events"
  3. Click the name of your event to open the Event Dashboard
  4. Look for the "Send Emails" section


  5. Select "Update Attendees"


  6. Choose which ticket buyers should receive your message


  7. Type your message
  8. Click "Preview"
    1. The "View Event" button will automatically appear at the bottom of your email. We don't include links within Freshtix emails, but most email service providers will automatically convert the 'https://www...' text that you type into a link when the customer receives it.
  9. Either select "Edit Message" to make changes, or
  10. Click "Send Message" to send!


update attendees

 send update 




After you click "Send Update", you will see a list of every message you've sent for this event on the Send Emails page.



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