Promo Codes vs. Access Codes

These are the differences between promo codes and access codes, and some examples of when to use each one.

Promo Code

Access Code

Key Idea: Discount Key Idea: Access
What Is It:
Promo codes allow customers to purchase at a reduced price.
What Is It:
Access codes provide the ability to purchase tickets which are not available to the general public.
When To Use It:
Marketing promotions, returning customer rewards, selling tickets at a discount 
When To Use It:
Pre-sales, password protected sales, member/subscriber exclusive prices
  • Can be applied in the shopping cart by anyone with the code
  • Discount by a whole dollar amount or a percentage
  • Sell using the same price type at different prices
  • Multiple discount codes for each event
  • Allows sales before the on-sale date
  • Restrict visibility to only those with access code
  • Can be limited to one use per code
  • Use multiple price types and different sale dates under a single code
More information about promo codes. More information about access codes.

Tip: If you want to use an access code to give customers a discounted price, create a new price type at that discounted price, click the price type settings and check the box beside 'Access Code Use Only?'.

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